Model No. WPP-4100 Make: WESWOX
Profile Projector Economy Model: Having 300mm dia 360 degree
rotatable graduated screen with vernier and 90 degree cross hair line
for angle measurement, With X-Y movement on ball bearing slides
travel upto 25 X 25 mm with Micrometer heads (50mm dia) least
count of 0.01mm for X-Y measurement, Having both contour
(12V/100W) lamp and two surface (12v/35W)lamps,
Travel X-Y movement (Standard) :25x25mm,
Maximum size of object view : 28mm (dia), Maximum Height of Object view : 18 mm (Under 10x magnification), Maximum Height of Object view :50mm (Under 20x,50x &100x), Micrometers (50mm Dia) :25mm (L.C 0.01mm), X-Y Bed Size :150mm X 150mm, Standard Magnifications :10x, 20x ,50x and 100x.
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